Donation £50 for the cause



Donate £50 for the cause

We believe that each of us can contribute to improving the world in which we live. Although we are capable of bringing about change with a single act, our power increases when we act collectively. This is the time to act collectively and help the poor and needy people of this planet.  Donate £50 to the charity to help the Ethiopian community which is struggling to have access to clean water and good education. You can donate £50 to this cause and help the needy Ethiopian community. You may help them by donating to the Medioliver Foundation.

 The ain of MediOliver Foundation is the provision of better education and access to clean drinking water for the needful inhabitants of Ethiopia. A skills-development program is also being undertaken by us for disable people in Ethiopia. Through this program we are providing opportunities for disable individuals to help their families financially. These disable individuals are now has the ability to feed their families. Just donate £50 to Medioliver Foundation for the cause now. 

Selling children’s books with Cause

By purchasing these marvellous children’s books, you may help these oppressed communities to have access to clean drinking water and opportunities to get good education. These picture books for kids may also contain amazing and exciting artwork that will ignite kids’ interests in reading. It will have a lengthy influence on your kids. It’s also available as a component of a party package. These books can be acquired in box form, as well as in large print on Amazon Kindle.

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