Robbed off his life Medi had only just begun. His death, a waste, made no sense unless we could make his life mean something. Just perhaps is thousands of people could get a better chance in life, then him losing his might be fair.
Medioliver was a loving and caring boy who just wanted to please. Since age 9 he would cook breakfast (speciality scrambled eggs!) and carry it all the way upstairs to us. Medi took pride in looking after his disabled grandma, even taking her to his 11th birthday party with all his friends.
He was our best friend and totally comfortable asking all sorts of awkward questions, sometimes even on behalf of his friends. We shared pillow talk almost daily and even after a few days apart, I went to meet him on holiday with his Grandparents in Northumberland, we were still giggling and chatting at 2am, just wrapped up in the moment.
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