Medi’s Story
In trying to prepare him for life, Medi lost his life.
Medi was a loving and caring boy who just wanted to please. Since age 9 he would cook breakfast (specialty scrambled eggs!) and carry it all the way upstairs to us. He took pride in looking after his disabled grandma, even taking her to his 11th birthday party with all his friends.
He was our best friend and comfortable asking all sorts of awkward questions, sometimes even on behalf of his friends. We shared pillow talk almost daily and even after a few days apart, I went to meet him on holiday with his Grandparents in Northumberland, we were still giggling and chatting at 2 am, just wrapped up at the moment.

Medi loved his school and said he felt proud that the younger boys would follow in his footsteps. He said that it was at a good school as the teachers were always willing to listen, even if what you had to say was not that good. On Friday nights Medi would come to the office to pick me up, creeping up on me from one corner or another always with a hug and kiss before going off to do some homework. Later he would use the tannoy to remind me that ‘the boys’ – Medi and Mehdi – were ready to take her out. Football was Medi’s passion. In addition to the UCS Junior Branch’s Under 11 First Team, he played regularly with the Ringley office team and was a frequent goal scorer.
He’d draw team formations and had an opinion on almost every player on every team. He enjoyed the Iran World Cup game with his friends, who were just great even when Iran was defeated. He never missed a school football trip, where what goes on tour – stays on the tour. We taught him it is important to have something to aim for in life; he’d just started a javascript programming course, did his accounts in excel, and achieved an A* in his Iranian GCSE. He was looking forward to getting an iPhone as a reward.
Medi was born at 8 months and fought his way out of Intensive Care. He walked at 9 months, he told us he came from the moon and he loved his milk. Sometimes he’d get the clock all wrong and play with his Dad through the night whilst the rest of the world slept. Since age 3 he would greet people with a handshake and a confident smile usually dressed as a proper little man. Medi started school we forgot to prep him fully and on his 1st day, he said, “I thought you weren’t going to come and get me!” He forgave us but spent the next few days popping into school to say hello and coming straight back out to go home again.
Medi hurt his fingers and bravely told the nurses he was the happy bear on the ladder despite the damage. At age 5 Medi had light beams in his eyes and clung to me for days as he thought he was going to go blind. Medi was always a giver and aware of the world around him, he easily recognised the needs of others. He baked cakes to sell for Blue Peter, encouraged us to raise £1,000 for Great Ormond Street, and always donated far more than a kid his age should have.At age 8 he walked 15 miles for Water Aid without a groan or a grumble. He would also drag us around the school for runs too.

He enjoyed a school trip to Lille so much that he insisted on taking us back 2 weeks later and walked us around everywhere he’d gone with the school so we would not miss out.
Medi and I survived a whole night camping only to be woken up at 5 am wet though with the morning dew because we didn’t know how to pitch the tent properly. We laughed and went to see what the world looked like at 5 am and sat on a wall talking nonsense for a few hours.
Whilst brought up as a Muslim, as a family we were frequent visitors of pretty churches, synagogues, and cathedrals all over the world. We simply taught Medi that he was welcome in all houses of God and Medi would enjoy lighting candles for the family and saying a prayer for those with us and those who’d passed away. We celebrated his life in St James’s Roman Catholic Church in George Street, Marylebone; this being a special place where he and his dad often went on boys’ only trips for quality time and to cover when I had to work.
At the end of Year 4, Medi was awarded the school’s prestigious Courtesy Cup. We heard that he was a clear winner, unanimously voted for by all teachers at the school. “Unanimous is very much the word for how much Medi was liked and loved by teachers and pupils at our school. The duty teachers report that they’d watch him help smaller boys in the playground who had fallen over or who were upset. Mature, big-hearted, fun-loving, loyal, honest, and kind, no words could describe what a massive hole he will leave in everyone’s lives.” Said Mark Albini, UCS Deputy Head.
Visit: MediOliver Projects

Previous Events
In life, Medi loved to help and please others, and with a little help from the UCS boys, we worked to get water to his pen pals in Ethiopia.
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Mum Mary-Anne Bowring was invited to speak at the British Property Federation’s Annual Dinner in the Landmark Hotel in Marylebone. Joining Mary-Anne were 17 of Medi’s friends who joined Mary-Anne on stage to hear her sharing about the challenge of life after death and her promise to Medi. The promise being that she would take Medi to ‘rock up and meet his pen-pals and see how they could help’, it is this promise that we are fulfilling and the 1st project is to get water to 18,000 people in Gey, Ethiopia. Medi’s friends had fun going table to table to collect the envelopes and more fun counting the money afterward, in all £16,690 was raised.
At the request of Year 7, UCS Junior Branch is hosting a memorial service on the 9th of December 2014, as so many boys were away back in July. Medi said that he was proud to be a pupil at UCS, and was a role model to the younger boys, who aimed to walk in his footsteps - a plaque in Medi's honor has been planned, so pupils will be able to continue to honor his memory by keeping his name and achievements alive within the school community.
Mary-Anne visited the boys at the Junior Branch to update them on the pipeline project. Max and Adonis won the flip-flops design competition.
Met the year 3-6 boys at JB to share our trip to Ethiopia and how they can help. Also met Joe and Nicky, the year 6 boys who came up with the idea of Amazon-style birthday e-gift vouchers. Did some research, and found out they were Man U and Spurs fans, so we took them their team footballs and got all the Arsenal fans present to give them a big boo and chant Arsenal before we gave them a well-deserved round of applause.
Joe & Nicky from UCS told their friends they didn't want presents and suggested they give others a fair start in life. They raised £620 and gave us the concept of 'MediOliver e-gift vouchers' so watch these trendsetters!
They then met Destaw and his family in Bira Abo Kebele, Ethiopia after several hours of off-road driving. This was Medi's other international 'brother' whom we had promised that Medi would be able to visit when he was 13, so it seemed only right we should do this now in his memory while assuring their health and educational access.
We met people with limb defects who had been trained to be tailors and need another sewing machine to expand. We also met the Community Elders (who had guns) and showed us around their work with orphans and vulnerable children.
Maryanne, Mehdi, and cousin Emad visited Menz Gera Midir in Ethiopia, where they met Medi's international brother Bekalu, and his family. They did this so to ensure his access to education, school facilities, books, and clean water. While there, they distributed football shirts kindly donated by Medi's friends to Bekalu and all of his classmates.
Well done to Max, Soli, and Georgiou - 3 very enterprising young men who raised £765 by hosting a football shirt sale at the Junior Branch. It seems only right that we match their enthusiasm and the £765 they raised. Max can also spread the word that we'll match any other event that can beat this! What a great winning idea, collect outgrown shirts from the bigger boys and sell them to the younger boys. Genius! Apparently despite the modest £5 and £10 price tag prices of up to £45 were achieved, and all sold out in minutes other event that can beat this!
Leah Hurst participated in a 10k run to raise funds for the MediOliver Foundation on 28th September 2014. She completed the race in 1 hour 9 minutes and 57 seconds. Thank you to everyone who has pledged money! All of us knew Medi and I know the boys are missing him as they start at the Senior School. It would be great if we could raise enough money to fund one of the specific projects envisaged by Mehdi and MaryAnne as a memorial to him from all of us.
Harrison and their friends raised money by selling their books in Primrose Hill Park. Every child is special, for those who did not get to meet Medi, written by his friends this page is dedicated to Medi's spirit. Words from a memorial arranged by Medi's friends at UCS on Tuesday 9th December 2015.
Ranulf Road, NW2 2BH
UCS hosted a Year 4 football tournament. Medi joined in Year 4 and secured a place in the A team as a defender.
Spoke to the whole upper school, and managed to pull it off, so nice to see so many of Medi's friends.
The Year 7 choir made a guest appearance at the UCS JB Concert to sing a song for Medi and raised over £1,000.
Medi's friends staged a football tournament in his name, raised some money, and had some fun. Sadly they were missing a goal-scoring defender.
UCS Dad - Eden Riche - and his band the 'Bank of Blues' played a Gig at the Tokenhouse (4 Moorgate EC2R 6DA) and raised £1,210.89.
Mary-anne planted poppies at the Tower of London to honor the many mums with lost boys.